Paddle for HOPE Results
"There were six foot swells hovering above me on either side at mile 16 and it felt impossible to balance and stay standing. I believed that somehow the ocean would calm down if I just hung on. I couldn’t give up, I had to finish. It was the decision of helping HOPE and not letting people down that gave me the strength to paddle forward. Time seemed to have stood still and before I knew it I was running up the beach jumping for joy with my paddle in hand. I made it to the sand and the feeling was unbelievable."
- Robert Wasserman
On Father's Day, June 21st, our very own champion and board member, Robert Wasserman, tested his endurance and paddleboarded across the challenging 22 mile journey from the Isthmus on Catalina Island and finished his long journey back at Cabrillo State Beach, San Pedro in just under six hours!
The money Robert is raising will go to support HOPE's programs by providing people with developmental disabilities an affordable, safe place to live in a place they can call home.
Thank you to everyone that has supported Robert Wasserman's efforts to help raise funds for HOPE through the ROCK 2 ROCK Paddleboard Race. HOPE is going to continue this fundraiser until July 12, 2015 with the HOPE of reaching our $5,000 goal. We’re already at $3,500 so just a little bit more will do it!
“This journey shows that with determination, focus and the right help, anything is possible.”