HDSI Management, Inc.
Below is important information for current residents living in a HOPE home managed by HDSI Management, Inc. For any questions about your property management company, call HOPE at 877-311-4673.
Rent Instructions
Rent is due on the first of each month. Please make out rent checks, cashier checks, or money orders to HOPE and mail the rent to the address HDSI Management, Inc., 3460 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Include your name, address, unit number, and best contact number.
At this time, we do not accept cash or online payment.
Have Rent Questions for HDSI Management, Inc.?
For questions related to paying rent, contact 323-231-1107, ask for Ana Ward, and inform them that you have a rent question. If you must leave a voicemail message, leave your full name, address, phone number, and the question. For non-emergency issues, please expect a 24-48 hour response time.
If you have reached out to HDSI Management, Inc. and have not been responded to within 48hrs, you can contact HOPE directly at help@hope-homes.org.
Maintenance Request Instructions - HDSI Management, Inc.
For standard maintenance requests, you should call 310-256-8684, ask for Isaias, and inform them that you have a maintenance issue. This line is to be used only Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. *If you must leave a voicemail message, leave your full name, address, phone number, and question. For standard maintenance issues, please expect a 24-48 hour response time.
After-Hours, Holiday, or Emergency Maintenance
If you have after-hours, holiday, or emergency maintenance issues, call 323-231-1107. After-hours is considered Saturday, Sunday, any other day after 5 PM and before 8 AM.
If you have reached out to HDSI Management Inc. and have not been responded to within 48hrs, you can contact HOPE directly at 877-311-4673 or email help@hope-homes.org.
For life-threatening emergencies, please call 911.
About HDSI Management
HDSI Management, Inc. was established in 1986 as a management agent dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families and seniors. It specializes in working with clients who have developed projects that include tax credit funding, Department of Housing and Urban Development assistance, and a variety of other Federal, state, and local housing support programs. Read more about HDSI Management, Inc. at www.hdsimanagement.com.