Below are HOPE’s priorities for the coming years. HOPE is actively looking for partners and funding support to ensure these vital activities are accomplished and empower our mission.
Aging in Place
HOPE’s “Aging In Place” initiative makes necessary and preemptive renovations at our properties. It supports long-time residents who need accessibility accommodations and maintain their independence as they age. Through a resident survey conducted in January 2020, HOPE identified several necessary aging in place retrofits in at least nine of its affordable rental properties that include: roll-in showers and grab bars in bathrooms, outside ramps for wheelchair access, replacing carpeting with hardwood or vinyl floors, and widening doorways for easier access. These renovations enable low-income residents with developmental disabilities to remain in their current residences, where they can continue to live with dignity and safety in the familiarity of their homes.
RELEVANT STORIES: Aging in Place: HOPE Renovations Keep Residents Healthy and Thriving
Housing Preservation Investment Fund
HOPE is in the process of creating its Housing Preservation Investment Fund as part of a long-term strategy to acquire 24-hour residential care homes at risk of being lost to the private real estate market. These homes are generally 3-4 bedroom single-family residences (SFR), often operated by sole proprietors as small family businesses. The Housing Preservation Investment Fund will give HOPE the financial flexibility to quickly acquire these critical assets by creating investor opportunity to purchase into HOPE’s expanding 24-hour residential care home portfolio.
RELEVANT STORIES: Homes on Daisy Avenue in Long Beach Open for HOPE Residents Who Desire Greater Independence
Legacy Homes
HOPE designed its Legacy Homes program to support the Regional Center system's clients interested in exploring the preservation of family-owned homes for future use as affordable housing for themselves and additional people with I/DD. HOPE offers services to clients and their families before and after property transfers to HOPE, including housing counseling, property assessments, estate planning referrals, renovations, maintenance, and ongoing property management.
It may be challenging for families to navigate the Legacy Homes process independently or identify a nonprofit that has the experience and willingness to accept a restricted gift of real estate to be used in perpetuity as housing for people with I/DD. HOPE has experience operating hundreds of housing locations, many of which are single-family residences. Our knowledge of the Regional Center system makes us uniquely positioned to achieve positive housing outcomes through our Legacy Homes program.
RELEVANT STORIES: HOPE Relaunches Planned Giving Program and Legacy Society to Provide Donors with Option to Balance Financial, Tax, and Estate Planning Goals
Housing Services
HOPE is developing a Housing Services Program to increase housing opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These services will better assist people with I/DD to apply for, qualify for, move into affordable housing, and apply for, obtain and retain Housing Choice Vouchers, or eligibility for subsidized housing. Our Housing Services Program Specialist is responsible for arranging housing services for individuals with developmental disabilities by working with future residents, developers, Regional Center Case Management staff, and other non-profit housing developers throughout Los Angeles County.
RELEVANT STORIES: HOPE’s Focus on Creating and Maintaining Healthy Homes Is More Relevant than Ever
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
For the past several years, HOPE has explored strategies to increase inclusionary decision-making and promote a more diverse staff and Board. Also, HOPE staff continue to hold monthly all team meetings on the current state of equity in housing and broader issues related to equity and justice. HOPE will work with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultants as part of our monthly professional development. We will create a comprehensive plan that will guide both internal departmental and organization-wide policies.
RELEVANT STORIES: Reflecting on Housing in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter
General Operating Funds
As a nonprofit organization, HOPE must dedicate a percentage of our resources to build and operate a sustainable infrastructure. It enables us to provide the programs and services that are so important to the community we serve. HOPE has the flexibility to use our resources where it is most needed and can ensure the effectiveness of our ongoing programs through strengthening our general operating funds. Partnering with HOPE — by making unrestricted contributions to our general operations — allows our team to continue to focus on our mission. It also fosters innovation among its staff by providing the team with increased bandwidth to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise. Your contribution to HOPE’s general operating fund directly empowers our team to accomplish our goals.